Absolute Therapeutic Care/A.T.C Treatment Center
Myofascial Release & Massage Specializing in Chronic& Acute Pain
Here is just a sample of what some of ATC's patients and/or clients are saying:
Here is just a sample of what some of ATC's patients and/or clients are saying:
I was thoroughly impressed with the outstanding service I received at ATC. Five stars are not sufficient to capture how extraordinary my experience there was! Prior to ATC, I had sought out numerous means to reduce my pain level through various physical therapists, chiropractors and orthopedic specialists. Neither of these achieved the results which I obtained at ATC. Natasha and Patricia are professional, knowledgeable, compassionate and positive!!! ATC is absolutely the best therapeutic care I have ever received!!!
"My experience w/ATC was a life-changing one! 5 Stars is an understatement! After dealing with Infertility doctors for approximately 3 years & the toll it can take on someone physically & emotionally, my situation seemed to be hopeless, (at least I thought so) & just came to accept their answer to my situation, which was "You fall in a category of unknown". Which meant they did not know the cause of my infertility. My age nor health was a factor. Very frustrating when you think you're doing all the right things right.
After taking a little mental break, I was encouraged to see ATC.
When I shared my situation w/Natasha, she listened patiently, respectfully & showed genuine concern towards me. She assured me that ATC can assist me as a whole to make sure that physically & emotionally I would be in a better position. I decided to move forward.
Didn't really think much would change as far as my infertility situation. During my experience w/Natasha, she educated me during each step, recommended changes in my diet, along with the massage therapy & myofascial releases & supplements, all of this assisted tremendously in me being physically & emotionally much healthier than where I was when visiting the Infertility doctors. Towards the end of my treatments, I was assured by Natasha that I was in a better spot. So I continued on in my daily activities & normal routine not thinking anything or any more about having a child.
Shortly after that time period, I received shocking news! Couldn't believe what I was seeing.... a Positive pregnancy test. When I shared the news w/my loving husband, he too didn't believe it, so after taking about 5 pregnancy tests all with the same results we were speechless!
So after seeing doctors for about 3 years with only disappointing results & with no real answers, ATC truly helped us with our goals. After having our baby girl, 1 year later she became a big sister! We now thoroughly enjoy our 2 precious girls!
ATC has been a life changing personal experience for not just me but also for my family. It has helped me in my journey to wellness....it has been a pleasure to not only experience my own healing and wellness but to be a part of ATC and help others in their journey to wellness. It has been an amazing experience. I would not recommend any other place other than ATC for overall deep healing and wellness. A.T.C is a five star rating!
I cannot say enough great things about ATC. Going through my wellness journey with Natasha & Trish was one of the best things that has ever had happen to me. When I first started with ATC I had been searching for 13 years for a doctor, physical therapist, chiropractor, etc.. to help me with my chronic pain. The pain was so bad that it made normal daily activities a huge struggle. I had muscle tightness and pain that went down my legs, up my whole back, neck, and shoulders. I was diagnosed dozens of times with treatments, medication, and injections, that didn't work.
Not to mention the times where I was simply discharged or turned away due to lack of improvement from a treatment.
This was very disheartening and took a huge toll on me. It was at ATC I was able to not only heal physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. There were so many different ways that I needed to heal and some I didn't even realize needed addressing. These ladies are two of the most caring, kind, loving, and dedicated people I’ve ever met. You will not find a more honest and hardworking pair who truly care about helping their clients. They have continuously gone above and BEYOND what anyone has ever done to try and give me my life back. I now am able to exercise regularly (to the intensity I determine and not what pain dictates) and I approach things in life with a healthier mindset. If you are lucky enough to set an appointment at ATC I believe their support, knowledge, and treatments will help you achieve the goals that you have set for yourself.
I totally recommend ATC/Natasha and Patricia! They deserve the highest rating!
My first experience at ATC was in 2013 when my husband experienced severe pain in his back and leg from the sciatica. We were referred to ATC by a friend, which we very much appreciated!
Natasha listened compassionately, then correctly assessed the source of the problem, and relieved the pain with natural, drug-free Myofascial Release Techniques and Massage Therapy. She also recommended specific exercises for my husband to do at home. He has not again experienced that problem!
Over the years since then, the ATC Team has guided me through numerous health challenges, using natural drug-free therapy that supports the body's own natural processes.
I consider Natasha very knowledgeable in her field, and I continue to learn from her about how to take better care of my, and my family's, health! For that, I am very grateful!
I can’t say enough about ATC and the treatments and care I have received from Natasha. Often I arrive in pain And I always find Myself much improved when I leave. She is never rushed and always very professional, explaining the goals of treatment and how they will be attained. The very best therapeutic treatment I have ever received!!! I highly recommend!
I give ATC ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. Very professional, clean, peaceful atmosphere. Natasha
really does care about her patients and does everything in her power to help them to feel better. Nastaha is so generous to her clients and you definitely get your money worth.
You will definitely be in great hands with these two massage therapists. They are the best they take time to talk with you about your needs and then they set up a great plan for you to follow. They have helped me tremendously. I love them and I will always continue to recommend them. Their personal care and concern is amazing!!
If a person is ready to open their mind and heart to a complete healing journey, then absolutely choose Absolute Therapeutic Care.
Trust is essential for healing, and I can say with honest conviction I trust Natasha and Patricia with my physical and emotional health care.
Traditional medicine has its place, especially for treating symptoms. Myofascial Release treatment gets to the cause of our health problems and truly allows the body to heal. ATC is a safe and caring environment which is necessary for deep healing.
I have learned to trust the process and highly recommend that people stop suffering and start healing.
My first experience with Absolute Therapeutic Care was in 2017 when I had severe lower back pain (sciatica) which was the result of some very heavy lifting. My family doctor proscribed a 1 week regimen of steroids, a referral to a local Chiropractor and a prescription for Vicodin. The steroids and Vicodin partially masked the pain but did not provide lasting relief. I had a positive experience with Myofascial Release therapy 20 plus years and decided to pursue that avenue once more. I lined up appointments with 3 providers, and Absolute was my second appointment. After 1 visit with Natasha at Absolute, I cancelled my 3rd appointment as well as the follow up with the first. I also cancelled further sessions with the Chiropractor. Natasha put me on an intensive regimen of 5 days for the first week. I noticed relief almost immediately, and after several weeks of a reduced regimen, my pain was gone completely.
A year or so later, I tore my rotor cuff resulting in significant pain. My family doctor again proscribed Vicodin, steroids, and a referral to a Surgeon. That is when I booked a visit with Natasha an Trish to see if they could help. They once again were able to provide complete relief without surgery. I was on a maintenance regimen with them up until the China virus interrupted just about everything. I am looking forward to when I can get back to maintenance visits.
I don'thaveenoughwordstothankthetherapistsatATCfortheirexcellentworkwithbothmassageandmyofascialreleasetreatments.Initiallyisoughttheirhelpafterrunningmultiplemarathons.Inotonlyhadmymuscletraumatakencareofsuccessfully,butwastaughtthecorrectwaytostretchandeatpreandpostrace, effectivelyprovingtobeselfhelpwheneverI ran.IstillgothereformaintenancetherapyandNEVERcomeawaydisappointed.
I havebeengettingdifferenttreatmentsfor10yearsbyATC.Ihighlyrecommendthemandpersonallywouldn'tevengoanywhereelsebecauseIknowthereisn'tabetterserviceforme,eventhoughit's anhour+ away totallyworthit.Theytaketimetolistentoyou,theytrulycareandwilldoeverythingtheycantohelpyou.Ihaveseenthemtraveltheworldfortrainingtoimprovetheirknowledgeinmassagetherapy,MFRetcandtobringhighqualityessentialoilsfromacrosstheglobe!
After having three knee surgeries and my right ankle repaired. ATC got me back to 100% of my body's flexible and I could not be any happier. The girls are great with both their hands and minds with all the knowledge that they have in order to get you back to great health. I will always recommend them to anyone who wants to feel good or need to feel better.
I can highly recommend visiting Natasha. She takes great pride in the services she offers to her clients. She is knowledgeable and keeps up with the latest techniques. During my visits, she listened carefully to my issues and then fine tune her techniques to maximize my positive results, while minimizing the number of visits and costs, which I appreciated. The atmosphere was professional, yet warm and friendly. At all time she made every effort to keep my visits comfortable (remember no pain, no gain) and modest.
I've been going to Absolute Therapeutic Care for a few years now with my husband about once a month. I have had many massages elsewhere and they are by far the best! Natasha and Trish make sure the room is comfortable to your liking and there is always yummy snacks at the end. I always feel so relaxed afterwards, it's like they know exactly where the knots are without telling! I recommend them to everyone I know!
Absolute therapeutic care helped me so much. Very loving personable atmosphere. Tash is very dedicated to the wellness of her clients and she goes above and beyond the call of duty.
She poured herself out in helping me with my autoimmune disease and overall health.
I appreciated it very much and would give a 5 star rating.
Have been receiving treatment from Absolute Therapeutic Care for over ten years now.
These ladies do an outstanding massage and help me to stay healthy and moving well.
I would recommend them to treat and guide anyone to a more healthy way of living.
I have been seeing Natasha Jackson for about 8 years. I tend to hold all my stress in my shoulders and neck.
After my massage with Natasha I immediately feel the relief from my stress pain.
Can not wait for my visits.
I have the highest regard for your work"
Anonymous expression
"Thank you for taking the time to submit your testimonial & review. It is impossible to post every single review. So if you do not see your personal review posted please understand that we have read and highly appreciate your review. We look forward to providing you with continued personal service in an environment tailored to suit your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness needs."
Natasha Jackson Owner & Chief Executive Officer
Massage Therapist & Myofascial Release Expert